Northwestern Oklahoma State University houses many different extra activities. One of those is the NWOSU Theatre run by Professor Kimberly Weast and Mr. Mickey Jordan. The Theatre is located on the campus of Northwestern at 709 Oklahoma Blvd in Alva, Oklahoma. The Theatre hosts many different events in Herod Hall Auditorium. Kimberly is the head of the Fine Arts Department as well as the director of the theatre at Northwestern. Mr. Jordan is the technical director who assists her in all of the shows. He also plays a big part in the scenic design and helps with the Theatre Production class. Professor Weast has explained that the NWOSU Theatre is the largest source of live entertainment in the Northwest part of Oklahoma and that it puts on more than just plays.

The theatre isn’t just run by these two individuals. The students of the Theatre Production class help put on the events that happen in Herod Hall. They learn how to build sets, run lights, makeup, costumes, and all sorts of things. Professor Weast has also explained that the Theatre hosts over 56 events in a normal year in Herod Hall. The Theatre Production class assists in all these events, whether it be building sets, running lights, or even stage managing. The Theatre hosts pageants, plays for adults and children, concerts, seminars and workshops. The theatre has been around for as long as the school has been standing.

The Theatre is most active in the normal academic school year, although they host some summer events such as camp. The Theatre puts on the shows and events that they do mostly for entertainment purposes but they also do educational as well. The theatre is family friendly and is a perfect place to stop by for a break or two. It is a wonderful source of entertainment. Come on down for some friendly family fun!